Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gerrymandering: United States and Congressional Apportionment Essay

Congressional Apportionment is the process by which the United States House of Representatives are redistricted the fifty states following each constitutionally mandated decennial census. Each state is guaranteed at least one seat and all the other seats are divided among the rest of the states based on their population. Congressional Apportionment is important to the states because the more representatives a state has the more influence they have in the House and vice versa the states do not want to lose seats in the House. Congressional redistricting is the process of redrawing district boundaries when a state has more representatives than districts. The Senate does not take part in the redistricting process. Redistricting occurs every ten years, with the national census. Gerrymandering is a practice that attempts to establish a political advantage for a particular political party or group by manipulating geographic boundaries to create partisan, incumbent-protected districts. In order to protect incumbents and to discourage challengers by creating a district that is more populated with a certain political ideology over another to insure a politician’s chance of winning. Gerrymandering is also used in order, to enhance a political party’s strength by having a certain political parties in a district to ensure that the Democrats or Republicans win every election. The Supreme Court has placed limits on racial gerrymandering and ensuring that the districts are equally populated. Racial gerrymandering is the drawing of a district to favor one racial group over another. The Supreme Court outlawed racial gerrymandering, which prevented Southern African Americans from voting and becoming the majority. The Supreme Court also disallows majority-minority districts. The Supreme Court has also ruled that the districts must be equally populated; the districts are required to have the same number of people, so each state takes the number of people they found in the census and divides that by the number of districts.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health Disparities Among Filipino Americans Essay

Health Disparities:Focus on the Filipino-American Population in the USA As a Filipino-American nurse living in Los Angeles, California, this writer has been a witness and an active participant in the multifactorial influences/aspects that affect the Filipino-Americans, in health and illness. Being a grandmother of wonderful grandkids has brought me further exposure to the plight of elderly Filipino-Americans in the United States of America. The Institute of Medicine’s Report on Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial/Ethical Disparities in Health Care states that cultural bias is one contributor to racial and ethnic minorities having higher rates of poor health outcomes than Whites in the case of disease; even when income, employment status and insurance coverage are controlled. A survey of current literature suggests that as a group, Filipino-Americans are comparatively under-studied vis-a-vis health and health care disparities in the United States. The literature that does cover the subject suggests that Filipino-Americans (as a group) do experience disparities in health and health care. Javier (2007) noted that on a national level, Filipino-Americans are the second largest Asian/Pacific Islander (API) population. Within this population, Filipino-American youth and adolescents in the US show disparities compared to Anglo and other API groups in regard to gestational diabetes, rates of neonatal mortality and low birth weight, malnutrition in young children, obesity, physical inactivity and fitness, tuberculosis, dental caries and substance abuse. Within Los Angeles County, Bitler and Shi (2006) analyzed disparities across groups based on health insurance, health care use and health status. While they did not focus on Filipino-Americans as a discrete subpopulation, they noted that differences in the prevalence of chronic health conditions across different immigrant racial and ethnic groups were reduced after controlling for such factors as family income, net worth and neighborhood characteristics. One possible conclusion is that in neighborhoods that are co-populated densely by both Latino and Filipino-American households with similar earnings and employment characteristics (such as in Historic Filipinotown), Filipino-Americans fare about the same as their Latino neighbors when it comes to chronic disease. This demonstrates that working class and lower income Filipino-American households in LA County suffer from health problems more than other API opulations in the County. Taken together, these studies lend support to the perception among Filipino-American community leaders in Los Angeles that (1) persistent disparities in health and health care do exist for Filipino-Americans relative to other groups; and (2) Filipino-Americans are not adequately researched for ethnic-specific tendencies in health and health care access. A report published in November, 2007 by The Historic Filipinotown Health Network of Los Angeles, California analyzed responses from a series of focus groups and over 400 surveys administered to health care providers, youth, residents, seniors and workers in Historic Filipinotown in central Los Angeles. The study sought to understand how culturally-based experiences and perspectives of Filipino/Filipino Americans in central LA influence this population’s health. The report examines the relationship between cultural themes that came up in the survey and the actual health status and healthcare service use patterns of Filipino/Filipino Americans. Though specific to the Filipino community in Los Angeles, the findings are relevant for Filipino communities throughout the United States. From the report this writer has been able to collate substantial data for this paper on US health disparities focusing on the older Filipino Americans. Elderly Filipino-Americans, like other ethnic minorities in the US, are not exempt from the disparities within the health care system. Health care access, utilization and assimilation in the US health care delivery system can be very challenging particularly for the newly-arrived immigrants. They tend to rely on their families for support since the majority of them are not eligible for government health care funds and social security benefits. In addition to financial constraints, lack of mobility or minimal English proficiency and tenacious adherence to their own Filipino cultural and health beliefs can create a barrier to health care utilization. â€Å"Bahala na† basically means â€Å"whatever will be, will be. As a way of supporting good health and in responding to illness, Filipinos have this unusual ability to accept things as they are. This position enables many Filipino-Americans to accept, and endure, great suffering including suffering from illness or injury. â€Å"Hiya† refers to a deep impulse to protect against a loss of face, especially if there are differences of opinion in a group on a sensitive matter. Such protection can be for one’s own sake or for another person. One example is misunderstandings due to language barriers. Some patients may not express it openly, but feel shamed or embarrassed in front of health care providers when they cannot understand or be understood properly. Further, older Filipino-American patients have difficulty in communicating effectively with health care providers. This can turn into an urgent problem if and when Filipino-Americans suffer from a high incidence of chronic and/or serious illness (such as diabetes or TB). â€Å"Kapwa† suggests â€Å"togetherness† and equality of status regardless of class or race. Cultural norms energize Filipinos to care for others in every sense, as fellow human beings. This type of relationship supports a structure of familism (tight-knit extended family structures). Caring for the health of each member within one’s family or kinship network is thus a top priority. The Filipino-American population has the highest percentage (27%) among Asian Americans of grandparents living with and caring for their grandchildren who are under 18 years of age. Conversely, there is a preference among families to provide direct care to their aging parents at home, regardless of the sacrifices required, rather than moving them into a convalescent facility. In America, this same commitment is extended by Filipino-Americans beyond their kinship groups to neighbors, friends and even strangers. The tradition of putting the group first and looking out for other group members has helped make Filipino-Americans have such a prominent presence as recognized professionals and workers in the U. S. healthcare sector. According to Periyakoil and Dela Cruz (2010), Filipino-Americans who have been in the U. S. A. for a long time are more acculturated to the American health system than those who recently migrated. The less acculturated immigrants adhere more to traditional systems of medicine and prefer indigenous healing practices, such as the use of complementary and alternative medicine. Before seeking professional help, Filipino older adults tend to manage their illnesses by self-monitoring of symptoms, ascertaining possible causes, determining the severity and threat to functional capacity, and considering the financial and emotional burden to the family. Filipino older adults tend to cope with illness with the help of family and friends, and by faith in God. Most of these first-generation immigrants initially resort to traditional medicine and healing methods are passed on from one generation to another. Traditional medicine is regarded as a viable alternative to Western medicine especially among the uninsured and undocumented. Such examples of cultural and health beliefs cause great concern since these older adults only seek medical care when their illness is already very serious or in an advanced stage; missed opportunities for optimal treatment and care result. Thus, to promote stronger health outcomes for the Filipino-American population, knowledge of their cultural strengths and assets, as well as language and other difficulties as immigrant people is imperative. Policymakers should be engaged to take a more culturally informed and sensitized approach to health care reform, focusing particularly on reducing existing disparities among Filipino-Americans in the USA. References Ad Hoc Committee. (2005). Ethnic diversity and cultural competence.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Caledonia Products

The marginal value from the project would be in the incremental cash flow. The earnings would be much less if they were looking at it through the accounting profits. It would be less because of the depreciation would be considered an expense causing a larger expense for Caledonia. Describe factors Caledonia must consider if it were to lease versus buy First Caledonia must figure out if they will have enough cash flow to pay the bill each month. Leasing would give Caledonia the benefit of decreasing costs. The down side of leasing would mean that Caledonia will not be out of the lease until it has been paid off and the company who leased the property will be the owners until that is completed. Buying property means that the item is usually in better condition, better value, and they will own it. Prices are often better when buying than with leasing. Tax expenses may be a downside of owning the property. 2. Incremental Cash Flow Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Operating Cash Flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200 Each year results in positive incremental cash flow and the new project appears to be a profitable business option. Accounting profits represent the total cost of doing business. The difference would be that this company requires additional net working capital every year which is not reflected in the incremental costs. 3. Initial Outlay Year 0 New Product Cost of new plant and equipment$(7,900,000) Shipping and installation costs (100,000) Total costs$(8,000,000) Initial working capital $(100,000) Initial cash flow (8,100,000) 4. Free Cash Flow Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year 5 Project Revenues $21,000,000 $36,000,000 $42,000,000 $24,000,000 $15,600,000 Unit Costs (12,600,000) (21,600,000) (25,200,000) (14,400,000) (10,800,000) Gross Profit 8,400,000 14,400,000 16,800,000 9,600,000 4,800,000 Annual fixed costs (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) Depreciation (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) Net operating income 6,620,000 12,620,000 15,020,000 7,820,000 3,320,000 Taxes (34%) (2,250,800) (4,290,800) (5,106,800) (2,658,800) (1,128,800) NOPAT 4,369,200 8,329,200 9,913,200 5,161,200 2,191,200 Depreciation 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 Operating cash flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200 Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Net Capital $(100,00) (2,100,000) (3,600,000) (4,200,000) (2,400,000) (1,560,000) CAPEX $(8,000,000) — —- —- — — Free Cash Flow $(8,100,000) 3,849,200 6,309,200 7,293,200 4,341,200 2,211,200 5. 6. 7. Should the project be accepted? Why or why not? Yes. This project should be accepted because the NPV ? 0. and the IRR ? required rate of return. Or No. This project should not be accepted because the NPV and the IRR required rate of return. Caledonia Products The marginal value from the project would be in the incremental cash flow. The earnings would be much less if they were looking at it through the accounting profits. It would be less because of the depreciation would be considered an expense causing a larger expense for Caledonia. Describe factors Caledonia must consider if it were to lease versus buy First Caledonia must figure out if they will have enough cash flow to pay the bill each month. Leasing would give Caledonia the benefit of decreasing costs. The down side of leasing would mean that Caledonia will not be out of the lease until it has been paid off and the company who leased the property will be the owners until that is completed. Buying property means that the item is usually in better condition, better value, and they will own it. Prices are often better when buying than with leasing. Tax expenses may be a downside of owning the property. 2. Incremental Cash Flow Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Operating Cash Flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200 Each year results in positive incremental cash flow and the new project appears to be a profitable business option. Accounting profits represent the total cost of doing business. The difference would be that this company requires additional net working capital every year which is not reflected in the incremental costs. 3. Initial Outlay Year 0 New Product Cost of new plant and equipment$(7,900,000) Shipping and installation costs (100,000) Total costs$(8,000,000) Initial working capital $(100,000) Initial cash flow (8,100,000) 4. Free Cash Flow Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year 5 Project Revenues $21,000,000 $36,000,000 $42,000,000 $24,000,000 $15,600,000 Unit Costs (12,600,000) (21,600,000) (25,200,000) (14,400,000) (10,800,000) Gross Profit 8,400,000 14,400,000 16,800,000 9,600,000 4,800,000 Annual fixed costs (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) Depreciation (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) Net operating income 6,620,000 12,620,000 15,020,000 7,820,000 3,320,000 Taxes (34%) (2,250,800) (4,290,800) (5,106,800) (2,658,800) (1,128,800) NOPAT 4,369,200 8,329,200 9,913,200 5,161,200 2,191,200 Depreciation 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 Operating cash flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200 Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Net Capital $(100,00) (2,100,000) (3,600,000) (4,200,000) (2,400,000) (1,560,000) CAPEX $(8,000,000) — —- —- — — Free Cash Flow $(8,100,000) 3,849,200 6,309,200 7,293,200 4,341,200 2,211,200 5. 6. 7. Should the project be accepted? Why or why not? Yes. This project should be accepted because the NPV ? 0. and the IRR ? required rate of return. Or No. This project should not be accepted because the NPV and the IRR required rate of return.

What are the strategic priorities for policy makers in Birmingham if Essay

What are the strategic priorities for policy makers in Birmingham if they are to generate strong economic development for the city over the next 20 years - Essay Example Birmingham is a City with an important economic and cultural framework. Because of its infrastructure and its facilities – airport, university, a research park for business and technology research – the City is considered as one of the most developed cities of the West Midlands. The City’s council initiates a wide range of activities aiming to support effectively the needs of the residents. The economic development of Birmingham is examined in this paper; emphasis is given not only on the City’s current economic performance but also on its prospects for future growth. The strategic priorities for policy makers in Birmingham in the case that the City’s economic growth over the next 20 years would be initiated are identified and evaluated. After reviewing the existing plans related to the City’s economic growth it is assumed that the achievement of a further growth – over a period of 20 years – would be achievable under the terms that collaboration and communication in regard to the relevant initiatives are improved. 2. Birmingham – requirements for growth in the next 20 years.History of the town: The history of Birmingham is quite long. In accordance with the studies published on the particular subject, the presence of human in the region goes back to the Bronze Age (Birmingham, Voice of the West Midlands, History); Anglo Saxons visited the area around 700 A.D.; ‘the Medieval and Norman occupation’ (Birmingham, Voice of the West Midlands, History) of the area ended approximately in 1086; it was then that the land-owners took the control of the region occupation’ (Birmingham, Voice of the West Midlands, History). Under the influence of the industrial revolution, the City’s population has been continuously increased, up today. During the two World Wars the City suffered major damages; many of its residents participated in the Wars – and they did not return (Birmingham, Voice of the West Midlands, History). Also the City’s industrial infrastructure suffered significant damages during the above period. The restructuring and the development of the City was highly supported by foreign immigrants – it was during the 1950s and the 1960s that the City was developed significantly becoming today a major economic and cultural center in Britain (Birmingham, Voice of the West Midlands, History). The current economic and cultural status of Birmingham is reflected in the images of the town – see graphs 1 & 2 in the Appendix section. 2.2 Phases of economic development, economic characteristics The economic growth of Birmingham through the decades can be identified in the events that characterized the City’s establishment and development – as presented in the previous section. The current economic development of Birmingham is significant – compared to the financial turbulences that cities worldwide have to face. This tre nd is reflected in the reports published regarding the economic characteristics and the rate of the City’s growth. All of these reports are encouraging regarding the City’s current economic status and, especially, regarding its potentials for further growth. Moreover, the City’s Council has increased its efforts for generating funds necessary for serving the various social and economic needs of residents. In this context, ‘the Westminster, Birmingham and Manchester councils’ (Birmingham News Room 2011) have established a commission; the commission is based in Birmingham because the particular City is ‘the largest UK city economy outside of the capital’ (Birmingham News Room 2011). The above commission aims to identify at what level it is possible for the cities across UK to become independent – in terms of funding – from the central government (Birmingham News Room 2011). Today, Birmingham is an economic center in the West Midlands,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hobbes (15 88-1679) on the right to all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hobbes (15 88-1679) on the right to all - Essay Example And therefore, as long as this natural right of every man to everything endureth, there can be no security to any man (how strong or wise so ever he be) of living out the time which nature ordinarily allowith men to live." (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). Hobbes supposes that liberty is a matter of political self-government. For Hobbes liberty and equality was connected with non-obstruction, and with some form of sell-mastery. Liberty and equality is described as that a personal reedom is a matter of the range of things a person may do without being stopped or punished by others. Hobbes supposes that "I find yet a greater equality amongst men than that of strength. For prudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto (Leviathan, Chapter XIII). Someone who does not engage in elaborate calculations before acting may be said to be excessively irrational. Irrationality of value to the pursuit of self-interest is prudence, which is similarly a virtue that it is possible to have too much of. Each has the right to all because, according to Hobbes, there was nothing natural about the state; in the 'state of nature' men lived without law, without authority, and without any means of curbing one another's aggression. Each man is a self-governed and can do anything. In "Leviathan" Hobbes describes that it is irrational of anyone to lay down the means of his own preservation unless he can be sure others will do so too. The state of nature is also is the state of war which means absence of established agreement for peace. For Hobbes force is the main quality during war and people are foolish to expect anything better from foreign states. The state of nature is a social and developed state. It can be characterized as war of all against: "war...of every man, against every man" (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). Each will be an enemy to all the rest. Human beings as they were not equipped with speech, with reason, with a sense of time, with any morality; they were lonely. In the Chapter XIV Hobbes claims that there was one fundamental right of nature, and one equally fundamental law: the right was 'the Liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will himselfe, for the preservation of his own Nature', while the law was 'every man, ought to endeavour Peace, as farre as he has hope of obtaining it; and when he cannot obtain it... he may seek, and use, all helps, and advantages of Warre' (Leviathan, Chapter XIV). The concept of subjectivism is closely connected with individuality. Hobbes emphases qualitative variation among uniqueness, a conception of the cumulative and permanent, but not predetermined, development of larger contexts as a source for development, and an insistence on the irrationally founded subjective designs of historically particularized human actors as the principal plane upon which variation and development take place (subjectivism). Knowledge of the reality must be concrete and descriptive hermeneutic, It will avoid the search for universal natural laws, and it will recognize itself as an historical occurrence. Also subjectivism for Hobbes means obligations in individuality. Hobbes supposes that Irrationality can be predicated in the first instance of human beings and of human beliefs and actions. Absence of rationality is taken to warrant a diminution of legal

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business in europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business in europe - Essay Example Some threats or challenges which are staring at the company have been looked into. Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. is an automobile giant based in Japan. The company manufactures a wider range of vehicles, starting from passenger vehicles, trucks, to buses and marine vehicles. The organisation has operations in different countries of Asia, US, South America and Europe. It produces luxury cars under the Infiniti brand. Under the leadership of CEO Carlos Ghosn it has grown to be the number two automobile company in Japan just after Toyota. Presently Renault which is a leading French automobile company owns 45% of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. (Company Profile For NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD., May 2009; Nissan Motor Company, 2008). The Japanese auto giant by the name of Nissan motor Co. Ltd. has risen to become the 2nd largest automaker in Japan after Toyota and has got its operation in different countries of the world spanning the continents of North and South America, Asia and Europe. In Europe Nissan initiated its business by acquiring an equity stake in S.A., Barcelona, Spain’s Motor Iberica and begun producing the Patrol/Safari model there three years later. The next year in 1984, the company established Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd. in Sunderland, UK. In 1988 it established the Nissan European Technical Centre Ltd. again in UK. The next year the company established a centre in Amsterdam by the name of NENV or Nissan Europe NV to look after a broad scope of work all over Europe, from developing new products, procuring raw materials, raising capital to manufacturing. Owing to the success in UK market the company again established Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd. was established as a new sales company i n UK in 1991.In 1992 in Germany Nissan design Europe GmbH was established. The same year saw the launch of Micra in the European market which went onto win the award for the best car of the year in the European market. In 1995 the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Banking Regulation and Risks Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Banking Regulation and Risks - Coursework Example One of the reasons for increased leverage generating value for banks is that increased leverage increases the savings from cost of capital obtained from debt funds due to the tax code and subsidized government guarantees. ROE= Net Income/Shareholders Equity ROE can be decomposed to classify the financial drivers of value creation in a company. This is known as DuPont analysis. ROE= Return on assets*leverage Or, ROE= (Net Income/assets)*(assets/shareholders equity) Or, ROE= (Net Income/Revenue)*(Revenue/assets)*(Assets/Shareholders’ Equity) Or, ROE= Net Profit Margin*Asset Turnover*Leverage Thus the three components of ROE is net profit margin, asset turnover ratio and gearing ratio or leverage. The profit margin states the amount of profit made by a bank from its operations. The asset turnover ratio states that how efficient a bank is in using the assets it owns and determines the revenue generated by the bank from its assets. Asset turnover ratio has an inverse relationship w ith net profit margin. The gearing ratio measures the financial leverage and states that how the bank finances the assets it holds, i.e. the amount of assets per pound of shareholders’ equity investment in the bank. Assets are financed by shareholders’ equity and by creditors, and a higher ratio indicates that the bank is getting more finance from the creditors. Thus greater gearing ratio leads to rise in ROE. Illustration: Consider the following data- Revenue= ?29,261millions Net Income= ?4,212millions Assets= ?27,987millions Shareholders’ Equity= ?13,572millions Net profit margin= Net Income/Revenue= ?4,212millions/?29,261millions= 0.1439=14.39% Asset Turnover= Revenue/Assets= ?29,261millions/?27,987millions=1.0455 Leverage=Assets/Shareholders’ equity= ?27,987millions/?13,572millions= 2.0621 ROE= 0.1439*1.0455*2.0621= 0.3102 = 31.02% ROE of 31.02% to a bank is a good indicator of growth. Still, if a bank decides to not to take leverage so as to become d ebt-free, then the ROE drop to 15.04%. Even if a bank decides to assume less leverage than the current, ROE will decrease. Thus, from the above illustration it can be said that ROE can be improved through leverage, i.e. leverage is important for the rise and improvement of ROE. Answer 2. Northern Rock, the UK Bank was the most high-profile casualty of the credit crisis of 2007, as in September 2007 the bank suffered run from its depositors. Northern Rock Building Society, a British Bank was formed in 1997 when the society floated on the London Stock Exchange. The bank specialized in mortgage business, and 90% of the assets of the bank were residential mortgages. Rise in growth, profitability and market value was noticed in the bank’s performance since 2001. The shareholders of the bank were benefitted and the management informed that the business model of the bank was effective in bringing about cost control, high quality asset growth, and competitive products with innovative products and transparency. The following graph summarizes the key growth rates for the years 2001-2006. Source:, 2009. The huge gap between risk-weighted assets and total assets made by the extensive regulatory arbitrage raised questions in respect to the quality of assets held by the bank. Due to the aggressive policy of Northern Rock, the bank ended up with a leverage to be the highest in the European sector but the capital that was to serve as a cushion against

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The major issues between Israel and Palestine, in their not being able Essay - 1

The major issues between Israel and Palestine, in their not being able to reach a peace agreement - Essay Example However, history proved to be detrimental to their mission. The Land of Israel was conquered by Arabs for a millennium and was later renamed Palestine (Isseroff, 2007). Today, the Land of Israel as stated in the Old Testament encompasses both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine after it was divided by the United Nations after World War II; and the rest, as they say, is a bloody history (Isseroff, 2007). Before discussing some of the major issues in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, it must be noted that it is a conflict that is extremely complicated in that too many things have happened that have caused each peace agreement to fail. The deep-rooted enmity that has existed in Israelis and Palestinians through the centuries makes one major issue that it seems cannot be bypassed through several attempts to reach a peace agreement. It is like trying to reconcile two archenemies who are not yet ready to make peace with each other, with the level of mistrust increasing with every little wrong move (Bar-On, n.d.). Each camp seems to want to make sure that it is not being cheated, leading to violations in peace agreement stipulations. For instance, the Oslo Accord in 1993 seemed to have been working to keep the peace between the two warring peoples. At least, there were hopes that it would generate enough goodwill between the two opposing sides that a peace agreement can be reache d in the years after (Bar-On, n.d.). But it was not to be as â€Å"the murder of Prime Minister Rabin, the massive Palestinian terror attacks and Israeli continuous building in the settlements showed how deep and extensive was the drive to prevent a solution, rather than enhance it† (Bar-On, n.d.). Aside from the deep hatred each camp feels for the other, the rise of extremist parties, particularly Hamas in Palestine, has become Israel’s most recent scapegoat in protecting its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Describe the cycle view of supply chain processes and explain why Essay

Describe the cycle view of supply chain processes and explain why organizations need to integrate their processes - Essay Example Supply chain activities make up processes, which may be described as cycles because it involves constant flow of information, goods, services, and funds between different stages. The processes in a supply chain involve service providers and manufactures, who produce goods and services for customers. The customers transfer funds to the manufacturers, who then convey point of sales data as well as replenishment orders via trucks back to the stores (Sinha, 2009). The manufacturer transfers funds to the distributor after the products are replenished. The distributors provide pricing information and offer delivery schedules to the manufacturers. All these processes show that the supply chain activities are cycles that are interlinked and work hand in hand. The supply chain stages consist of various players who include; customers, retailers, distributors, manufacturers and the components, which are the raw materials suppliers. Each stage sometime may not be represented in the supply chain because the chain would depend on the customer’s needs and the roles of the stages involved (Sinha 2009). Schniederjans and LeGrand (2012) stated that the customer order cycle occurs at the customer and retailer level and this is where all processes are directly involved in receiving and filling the customer’s order. The customer starts the cycle at the retailers’ shop by ordering what goods they need and the retailer works on fulfilling the customer’s demand. This interaction between the retailer and customer ends when the customer receives the order. The replenishment cycle occurs at the retailer and distributor level and includes all the processes involved in replenishing the retailer’s inventory/ stock. The retailer is the customer in this case, and places an order to replenish inventories to meet his and her customers’ needs or to make sure he or she has enough stock of the good quality of products available in the market (Fredendall,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Civil society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civil society - Essay Example Locke however, believes that rights and obligations are the main propellant of problems that civil society faces while working under a given government. Moreover, Locke provided wide analysis on the state of nature in his second treatise which had an impact on the civil government. His work was written in the year 1680, the time of exclusion crisis in England. He believed that the existing men are free to order the prevailing actions as well as disposing persons and their possessions (Edwards, 12-18). This argument was due to the bounds law of nature availed in England and he suggested that the possessions and actions taken could fit well in line with the law. Locke analyses the state of law in a very well understandable way. He maintained that the state of nature has a specific law of nature that governs it and the prevailing law leads to a specific reason. Moreover, his views on the state of nature went against the norms of Christian believes entitling unlike hobbies and dependent philosophy that was not underscoring prior to the theology norms. The first treatise of Locke tried to adventure the norm Anglicans and Protestants and he had a mind to establish and make people understand as to why two treatise governments should be allowed to overthrow monarchy personnel who were there to abuse the trust that had been set to the people believe. Good governance is what people needs. This is only through the provision civil rights based on the nature and labor at large. The problems and challenges that civil society faces as per Locke desire is the dissolution of government which makes governance hard to deliver its manifesto well. The rights and obligations are the main propellant of problems that civil society faces while working under a given government. Locke provided wide analysis on the state of nature in his second treatise which had an impact on the civil government. Other problems are the political society which nurtures inequality due to tribalism and nepo tism among the society groups. Poor governance, lack of democratization process that provides a link between citizens and the state are other problems faced by civil society. However, when a given state provide well established governance, employ democratization process and enhance preservation of the society’s records, then this will help to solve this civil society problems availing as per Locke observation. Drawing primarily on Rousseau and Madison on how existence of political factions threaten and undermine civil society we find that, a lot has to be done to eliminate this aspect. Rousseau proposed a specific subject of argument in his scholarly works suggesting that, man is born free and an aspect of slavery should not be a threatening statue that civil society has to be accounted to. Rousseau challenged the work analyzed by Locke basing his argument on the origin of hobbies. He claimed that taking people away from socialization and forcing them away from their society undermines the rights of civil society. In his writings he suggested that according to the nature people are neither good or bad and therefore modern society should be blamed on blemishing the pure people through threatening their lives. In addition, Rousseau suggested that the level of sovereignty is indivisible and this is a

Intercultural Communications Essay Example for Free

Intercultural Communications Essay My stepmother was born in Masan, the countryside of Korea, to a family of four daughters. My step-grandfather was a hard working man. He had a small taxi and truck business. My mother’s youth was during the recovering of the war. My mom has told me stories about growing up. She rarely got nice things unlike how a lot of Korean children now get today. However, she says growing up was not as hard as most kids during the time. â€Å"Korean kids have to learn how to respect their elders,† my mother states. â€Å"For example at the dinner table you do not start eating until the elders start.† She says that hitting kids was a common thing and teachers even hit their students who failed to do assignments and do their responsibilities. It is also part of Korean culture for the eldest son to take care of the parents. Back then; the parents would even live with the eldest son even after he has married. Today, it has changed a lot and most parents would rather live alone. Children are supposed to live at home with their parents until marriage. In the United States, it was not as strict. It was common for men to move out of their parents home at eighteen and start working or go to college. These days not all Koreans still follow the culture but still, many do. Back then, Korea was recovering from war and a lot of parents were focused on their children’s education. They would do anything for their education. So, kids would do nothing but study. â€Å"I would go to school at seven in the morning and not finish until ten at night. I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school,† my mom says. She studied a lot. Generally, Korea’s students study a lot more and harder than the average American. It was not until around high school years when her father made more money and became successful. My stepmom even paid for most of her college and travel expenses. She traveled to Australia to learn English and did a lot of missionary work all over the world years later. I think all of those years of studying hard paid off for her. I learned that my mom is very strict about certain things pertaining to me because of how she was raised. For Christmas, she received an orange. In today’s world, it is common for kids to go out to the mall and hang out with their friends and buy a few things. At least, that is how it is in America. My mom did not have that. In her view, kids are not really supposed to receive much money from their parents. The money should stay with the parents. I learned that the United States and Korea today share some culture similarities and some drastic differences. I feel that by learning more about cultures outside of your own one really opens up new ideas and different ways of thinking. By learning more about Korean culture over the years, I feel that I have become an a lot more open minded individual and it has made me a stronger today. Works Cited: Kim, Tara. Personal Interview. 1 Nov. 2011

Monday, July 22, 2019

TV and Film Violence Essay Example for Free

TV and Film Violence Essay Does the violence in films and on TV contribute to violence in society? This question has been debated for decades. During that time some 2,500 books and articles have been written on the effects of TV and film violence on human behavior. In this article were going to summarize some the latest thinking on this subject. The results of one of the most extensive studies ever done on the subject of violence and TV were released in 2003. Researchers followed 329 subjects over 15 years. They found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Researchers said that, Media violence can affect any child from any family, regardless of social class or parenting. Girls who watched more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives. Researchers concluded in Developmental Psychology that, Every violent TV show increases a little-bit the likelihood of a child growing up to behave more aggressively. Well look at more of the research in a moment. Canada was one of the first countries to extensively research this issue. The results of their studies prompted some of their engineers to devise the V-Chip. As you may know, the V-Chip allows parents to lock out TV programming they consider objectionable to their children. Although the concern in Canada was primarily violence (hence the V-chip), in the United States there is also great concern about sexual content probably more than in most other industrialized societies. Hence, the V-chip can be programmed to screen out both violence and sex. Cause-Effect Proof A clear cause-effect relationship between media violence and violence in society is complicated by the fact that children are typically exposed to many stimuli as they grow up, many of which could play a role in later behavior. For example, during a childs life we cant discount the role of such things as violent video games, the social values of parents and peers, or general living conditions. If you eat something that you have not tried before and immediately get sick, you will probably assume theres a direct relationship between the two. And if at some later date you forget about your first experience and eat the same thing again, and immediately get sick again, you can be fairly sure that whatever you ate makes you sick. No rocket science here, just clear cause and effect. Unfortunately, when it comes to violence in the media, the cause and effect is not as readily apparent. A few decades ago you would see doctors in TV commercials endorsing a particular brand of cigarettes. Many medical doctors smoked. Not today. Today the evidence is clear: smoking is the number one cause of preventable heath problems and premature death in the United States. Although for years the cigarette manufacturers suppressed evidence that linked smoking to health problems, eventually the cause-effect relationship became obvious to anyone who wanted investigate the facts. Unlike the cause and effect in the example of your eating something and immediately getting sick, the effects of cigarette smoking arent immediately apparent. Its only years later that many smokers develop lung cancer, heart problems, emphysema, sexual problems, etc. In the same way-after looking at years of accumulated data-were now recognizing a relationship between violence in the media and social problems. The results of a study released in March, 2002 that tracked 700 male and female youths over a seventeen-year period showed a definite relationship between TV viewing habits and acts of aggression and crime in the later life. All other possible contributing environmental elements, such as poverty, living in a violent neighborhood, and neglect, were factored out of this study. According to one of the authors of the study, the findings help cement the link between TV and violence. The study is detailed in Science. | Violence and TV Ratings Its well known that TV violence holds an attraction for most viewers and this attraction translates into ratings and profits. Because of this, most media executives have been reluctant to admit that media violence is in any way responsible for violence in our society. If it werent for the ratings and profits involved, producers would undoubtedly be much more willing to acknowledge the harm in TV and film violence and do something about it. After many high school students died in a shooting rampage at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado in April, 1999, many people were quick to blame the media. Violent video games and a well-known film were seen as contributing factors. Even so, a clear cause and effect is hard to establish. For example, millions of young people were exposed to both of these influences throughout their lives without going on a murderous rampage. But when you add extreme anger, easy access to guns, and an indifferent and amoral attitude toward the lives of others, the results can be very different. In 1992, TV Guide commissioned a study of a typical 18-hour TV broadcast day to determine levels of violence. The networks and the more popular cable channels were monitored for purposeful, overt, deliberate behavior involving physical force or weapons against other individuals. There were 1,846 acts of violence that broke down this way.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mauveine: History, Properties and Structure

Mauveine: History, Properties and Structure Introduction One of the most important events of 1856 was the discovery of the first successful artificial dye, mauveine (aniline purple, mauve dye, Tyrian purple) by William Perkin. The discovery of mauveine led to rapidly growth of fashion trend and discovery of new synthetic dyes. Nowadays there are more than three million dyes ( Most dyes used back in the XIX century were derived from natural products such as animals, vegetables or minerals. The dyes made from natural products at that time were expensive and required a large amount of labour. The main disadvantage of natural dyes was their tendency to fade. The invention of mauveine was major landmark in the history of technology and science which brought great benefits to textile and synthetic dye industry. However most people do not aware of the origin of those colours, especially world’s first synthetic dye mauveine and chemical reactions beyond the mauveine dye production. This paper will discuss the historical background of mauveine invention, chemical structure of mauveine, chemical synthesis methods of mauveine and applications. Historical background In 1834, German chemist August Wilhem Hofmann was working derivatives of coal tar to produce a quinine substance for treatment of malaria. At that time, young William Perkin was one of the Hofmann’s assistants and embarked to solve this problem. In 1856, while Hofmann went back to visit Germany, Perkin conducted some experiments in the laboratory at his home to achieve Hofmann’s goal. Perkin oxidised the aniline in the presence of potassium dichromate and obtained black coloured sludge. At the end of the experiment Perkin diluted the black sludge with alcohol and gained a purple solution. Perkin patented his new discovery and established the company ‘Perkin and Sons’. In June 1857 the company ‘Perkin and Sons’ began its work producing synthetic dyes. It should be emphasized that many technical problems occurred during the operation of the company such as large scale of benzene nitration and nitrobenzene reduction. The aniline purple was obtained in poor yields, because the oxidation step required optimisation. By 1864, the company was able to trade its product as a crystalline solid. In spite of the wealth which came with successful dye production, Perkin continued his experimental works in chemistry. After his successful introduction of aniline purple in Britain, next step for Perkin was to export mauveine abroad. However, Perkin’s effort to introduce his invention in France ended unsuccessfully as his patent was invalidated. Invention of the Perkins aniline purpleencouraged other chemists to work on new synthetic dyes. For instance, in 1856 Natanson discovered magenta (triphenylmethane dye) by oxidising aniline with chloride. As it was mentioned above, developments of synthetic dye chemistry in modern times takes its background from mauveine. Taking the historical background into consideration, mauveine made our world more colorful than it was before(‘the chemistry and application of dyes’, edited by David R. Waring, and Geoffrey Hallas, Plenum Press, New York 1990, p age 4-5). Chemical structure and properties of mauveine. The structure and consist of mauveine for many years had remained mystery. First attempts establishing mauveine molecular structure was made by Perkin himself. Perkin derived similar dye when oxidised toluidine and xylidine. However, pure aniline gave dye with poorer quality than that obtained from original impure aniline. This product was called pseudomauveine which was derivative of mauveine. Perkin concluded that mauveine contains both pseudo-mauveine () and a trimethyl derivative. At that time Perkin could not determine every atom in the molecule and so he attempted to determine mauveines constitutional formula by identified properties of mauve. In 1879 Perkin came to conclusion that mauveine can be derived only from aniline and para-toluidine. It should be emphasized that Perkins work determined a molecular formula of mauveine but not a molecular structure. Other works to determine molecular structure of mauveine was done by Fischer, Hepp and Nietzki. By synthesising pseudo-mauv eine in several times they discovered pseudomauveines structure. Oxidative couplings were involved in this synthesis as shown in figure 1. Synthetic methods for pseudomauveine figure 1. However, there was little evidence to proof mauveines chemical structure (figure 2). Mauveine figure 2. Only in 1994, the structure of mauveine determined through the work of Meth-Cohn and Smith. They emphasised two compounds as a key chromophores to obtain mauveine, mauveine A with C26 structure and mauveine B with C27 structure (scheme 1). Meth-Cohn and Smith analysed seven dyed textiles and seven mauve salts from different museum such as Science museum in London (scML), Chandler Museum (Columbia University), Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester (MSIM) and Perth Museum in Scotland. Meth-Cohn and Smith analysed major components of those samples by mass spectroscopy and NMR spectrometry and found presence of different methylated homologues of pseudo-mauveine. Different chromospheres are shown in table 1 amongst the historical samples which Meth-Cohn and Smith had found. A B B2 B3+B4 C C1 ScML1 1 2 50 23 10 5 4 5 1.3 ScML2 1 3 37 26 13 6 5 8 0.8 ScML3 1 2 54 16 9 4 5 8 1.8 ScML4 1 2 37 31 12 5 5 8 0.8 MSIM1 2 39 33 12 5 4 6 0.8 MSIM2 49 41 7 3 CM 1 2 50 24 8 4 5 7 1.4 Table1. Percentage of chronophers which found from mauveine samples Meth-Cohn and Smith discovered that all mauveine samples which prepared by Perkin was mixture of about thirteen different compounds with 7-amino-5-phenyl-3-(phenylamino)-phenazin-5-ium core. The majority of the historical samples of mauve which were investigated by Meth-Cohn and Smith had both A or B mauveines. Apart from that almost all historical samples of mauveine contained mono, tetra methylated derivatives of pseudo-mauveine. Mauveine B2 (C27) and C25A, C25B were important fingerprint markers of textiles and salts amongst these. In addition, for the first time Meth-Cohn and Smith identified pseudo-mauveine in the historical sample, this was described by Perkin as a second colouring source. As it was mentioned above, the mauveine contained pseudo-mauveine, which is very soluble, uncrystallisable salt and another one is less soluble, crystalline salt obtained from para-toluidine and aniline. One of the important properties of mauveine is fastness with silk which they colour. Chemical synthesis methods of mauveine As mentioned in previous sections William Perkin did not discover the mauveine intentionally, his main aim was preparing quinine (). As chemistry were in the early stage of its development there were little known about quinines structural formula. Taking into account of the molecular formulas of quinine and allyl toluidine Perkin came to the relationship shown in equation 1 and he attempted the preparation of quinine by oxidising allyl toluidine in the presence of potassium dichromate in sulphuric acid: Equation1 In his note Perkin wrote ‘that no quinine was formed, but only a dirty reddish brown precipitate’. However, Perkin was not aware at that time structure of allyl toluidine and quinine. If he had known the structure, he would certainly choose other route for synthesising quinine: The synthesis of mauveine starting aniline also required toluidine impurities (equation 2): Application of mauveine Alcoholic extract of mauveine gives very brilliant purple colour which cannot be removed and stable during washing. Perkin quickly considered its potential as a dyestuff for textiles and fabrics. Another useful application of mauveine is food colouring dye. In United States during 1900th the mauveine was used as food colouring with different names such as violate paste, rosolan, Perkin’s violate. Conclusion This short essay has considered history of the mauveine discovery, chemical structure and properties, synthesising way of mauveine. The discovery of mauveine led to rapidly change in global fashion and chemical industry. The Perkins discovery cannot be judged by today’s knowledge and consider as a luck. There were many things which have been discovered and invented, however they were forgotten as it did not find any practical application. Perkin had the ability to combine the theoretical and practical work from his experiment. Perkin’s discovery still has not lost its significance in modern synthetic dye chemistry and contributed to development of modern fashion. Galymzhan

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the yellow wallpaper -- essays research papers

How Passivity and Submissiveness lead to madness by Charlette Perkins Gilman and Henrik Ibsen â€Å"He told me all his opinions, so I had the same ones too; or if they were different I hid them, since he wouldn’t have cared for that† (Ibsen 109). As this quote suggests Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper† and Henrik Ibsen, in A Doll House dramatize that, for woman, silent passivity and submissiveness can lead to madness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The narrator of â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper† is driven to madness after she withdraws into herself. â€Å"I am alone† (Gilman 44), she tells us. Desperately trying to express her feelings to John, she says â€Å"I told him that I really was not gaining here and that I wish he would take me away†(Gilman 46), but â€Å"I stopped short; for he sat up straight and looked at me with such a stern reproachful look that I could not say another word.† Instead the narrator â€Å"keeps quiet.† She settles into quiet submission: I â€Å"am much more quiet than I was. John is so pleased† (Gilman 48). She is â€Å"afraid† to â€Å"irritate† John or â€Å"to make him uncomfortable† (Gilman42). She makes herself believe that as a â€Å"physician† he knows what’s best for her and, therefore, acts passively, letting John control her even though she gets â€Å"unreasonably angry with† him (Gilman40). Writing in her journal is the only thing that keeps her sane; yet John takes that away from her: â€Å"I must put this away-he hates to have me write† (Gilman 41). The narrator yearns to confess to John how she really feels, but she prefers to keep her feelings bottled up: â€Å"I think sometimes that if I were to write a little it would relieve the pressure of ideas and rest me† (Gilman 42). Instead, she is passive and hides her emotions. â€Å"I cry at nothing and cry most of the time. Of course I don’t when John is here, or anybody else,† only â€Å"when I am alone† (Gilman 44). She tells us that â€Å"John doesn’t know how much I really suffer† (Gilman 41). Even when the narrator tries to communicate with him, he immediately dismisses her: â€Å"I tried to have a real earnest reasonable talk with him,† but â€Å"John wouldn’t hear of it† (Gilman 40). Instead of speaking her mind and standing up for herself, she withdraws and does â€Å"not say another word†(Gilman 47). Convincing herself that John is always â€Å"right,† she obeys whatever â€Å"John says,† which only causes her condition to â€Å"worsen† despite the fact ... ...y Torvald: â€Å"He used to call me his doll-child, and he played with me the way I played with my dolls†¦I went from Papa’s hands into yours. You arranged everything to your own taste, and so I got the same taste as you-or I pretended to†¦ Now when I look back it seems I have lived here like a beggar-just from hand to mouth† (Ibsen 109). Rather than be â€Å"sheltered† (Ibsen 108) by him unlike Gilman’s character, Nora is able to speak up for herself and confront her past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Nora and the narrator of â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper† suffer from their silent passivity and submissiveness. Nora Helmer, who nearly â€Å"lost [her] mind† (Ibsen ), is able to save herself by being assertive and speaking out, confronting Torvald, her past, and her need to educate herself in the ways of the world. Unfortunately Gilman’s character keeps her feelings inside, and, as a result withdraws into herself and becomes insane. The narrator asserts her disjunction from reality as she tells John: â€Å"I’ve got out at last†¦in spite of you and Jane...and you can’t put me back† (Gilman 53), sloughing off the person she once was, â€Å"Jane† to become the â€Å"woman† in the paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Hemingway Style Analysis Essay -- essays research papers fc

1 Earnest Hemingway is one of Americas foremost authors. His many works, their style, themes and parallels to his actual life have been the focus of millions of people as his writing style set him apart from all other authors. Many conclusions and parallels can be derived from Earnest Hemingway's works. In the three stories I review, ?Hills Like White Elephants?, ?Indian Camp? and ?A Clean, Well-lighted Place? we will be covering how Hemingway uses foreigners, the service industry and females as the backbones of these stories. These techniques play such a critical role in the following stories that Hemingway would be unable to move the plot or character development forward without them. In ?Hills Like White Elephants? Hemingway utilizes the waitress as a method to help develop the character of the lead male. His interaction at the beginning of the story with the waitress in her native language show his intellectual superiority which is also emphasized in the following line, ?The girl looked at the bead curtain. 'They've painted something on it,' she said. 'What does it say?'? (Hemingway). This setup is a crucial transition from the blank slate we start at with both characters. The story of course unfolds following what the interaction with the waitress and bar setting created for us. One in which the lead male character is dominant, controlling and a person who provides information and answers not available to the female character. Additionally the male characters treatment of the female waitress creates the building blocks for our understanding of how he interacts with females. He never mentions please or thank you 2 when ordering or receiving their first drinks and by the second round acts in the follow way, ?The man called 'Listen' through the curtain.? when addressing the waitress (Hemingway). It is only a few lines later he begins semi-jokingly and in condescending manner scolding his female partner. The condescending remarks start with, ?'Just because you say I wouldn't have doesn't prove anything.'? the man replies to her assertion that he hasn't seen white elephants (Hashmi). Besides being hot in this story, the males only burden is that he is trying to persuade his female partner to his views as he tries to coach her through the remaining portion of the dialog manipulative lines such as, ?'Well,' the man said, 'if you don't want to you don't ha... ...hite Elephants? The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. R. V. Cassill. New York: W. W. Norton, 1990. - - -. ?Indian Camp? The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Ed. Martin Kohn. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1966. Secondary Sources Nagel, James. ?Earnest Hemingway : A Centennial Assesment?. Online Hashmi, Nilofer. "Hills Like White Elephants": The Jilting of Jig." Hemingway Review Vol. 23 Issue 1; fall (2003): 72. Fantina, Richard. ?Hemingway's Maschoism, Sodomy, and the Dominant Woman? The Hemingway Review. Online. Strychacz Thomas. ?Hemingway's Theaters of Masculinity? Louisiana State University Press. Online.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Televisions Effect on Self Image Essay -- Beauty Media

New mirrors are in the market and many homes have been remodeled with these mirrors. These new mirror are like snow whites mirror, they tell you who the most beautiful one of all is. A little girl is looking at her new mirror that tells her she has to wear makeup and look a certain way in order to be beautiful. This new mirror is the TV and the voice that is telling her is the media. The media portrays the beauty of women a certain way that is distorting beauty. The media distorts image so much that women start to see an unrealistic beauty and think that all women should actually look that way. An experiment done by Mahler Beckerley and Vogel (2010) demonstrate that women’s attitudes about certain looks reflect on how they view the models. There were two groups of women and some saw photos of models that were tanned and the other saw models that were not tanned. The participants then were told to describe their attitude about tanning. The group of women that viewed models that had a tan had a more positive attitude toward tans and the group of women that viewed models with out a tan had a negative attitude towards tanning. This research demonstrates that the media has a big influence in the decision women make on their appearance. So what is beauty? Is beauty the perfect supermodel on a magazine? Is it the stunning actress on television? Do you have to be thin and tall? According to Unabridged, beauty is â€Å"the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)†. However, the m... ...:10.1080/14680770903068266 Mahler, H. M., Beckerley, S. E., & Vogel, M. T. (2010). Effects of Media Images on Attitudes Toward Tanning. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 32(2), 118-127. Slater, A., Tiggemann, M., Firth, B., & Hawkins, K. (2012). Reality Check: An Experimental Investigation of the Addition of Warning Labels to Fashion Magazine Images on Women's Mood and Body Dissatisfaction. Journal Of Social & Clinical Psychology, 31(2), 105-122. Solomon, M. R., Ashmore, R. D., & Basil G., E. (1994). Beauty before the Eyes of Beholders: The Cultural Encoding of Beauty Types in Magazine Advertising and Music Television. Journal Of Advertising, 23(2), 49-64. Bates, C. (2012, January 05). Mail online. Retrieved from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Brave New Brain

AP PsychologyName Chp 2: Neuroscience Questions for Brave New Brain, Chapter 4 by Nancy C. Andreasen Read this packet carefully & completely. The reading is very long, complex & detailed. Consider it a primer reading to help you study the brain. As you read feel free to highlight or underline the actual text as needed. These study questions are to help you key in on what is important. Be sure to answer each question fully and completely. I expect you to TYPE the answers. You may find it easier to save a copy from my webpage and fill in the questions as you go instead of retyping the questions.Due to the length of this assignment it will count as a test grade. (HINT: Questions go in order) 1. What are the three (3) types of brain tissue? ~Gray matter, white matter, and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 2. List the two (2) neurodegenerative disorders that destroy cell bodies. ~Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s 3. What does the cell body do for the neuron? ~Performs basic command functi ons 4. Why does â€Å"cerebral cortex† mean â€Å"bark of the brain†? ~The nerve cell bodies are highly concentrated on the surface of the brain, causing it to look like tree bark 5.What does â€Å"subcortical† literally mean? ~Below the cortex 6. Name the two (2) demyelinating diseases listed in the text. What do these types of diseases do? ~Multiple sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) both harm the white matter of the brain and cut the ties that allow the neurons to communicate with one another 7. What are ventricles? ~Parts inside the brain that carry CSF 8. Name two of the three important functions that CSF carries out. ~Contain nutrients and byproducts of brain activity to help the brain ~Replace issing brain tissue 9. What are gyri and sulci? Why do we have them? Draw a diagram to explain. ~Ridges and dips that cover the surface of the human brain in order for the brain to have enough neurons and stay at a healthy size, because the brain has to do adjusting and when it does, it creates the gyri and sulci 10. How does the brain grow? List and explain in detail each of the seven (7) steps in Table 4-1 on page 45: neuron formation, neuron migration, proliferation of dendrites and spines, synaptogenesis, myelination, pruning, and apoptosis.You may have to read into the text to explain in detail. ~Neuron formation happens a few months after fetus conception, and when DNA begins to send instructions to cells telling them to differentiate into nerve cells and some to change into liver or heart cells. After a sufficient number of nerve cells accumulate, the neurons then embark on a journey known as neuron migration. Pathfinder cells called glia guide the neurons to a new territory where they will create the cerebral cortex and the various subcortical gray matter parts of the brain.After the brain divides into two sides and the cells organize themselves according to the role that they will play in the activities of the brai n, dendrites and spines are formed (when each neuron sprouts dendrites that extend themselves by sprouting spines). Synapses are communication points that allow many cells to communicate with each other at the same time and mature and change in a process called synaptogenesis. Myelination occurs when axons are covered and insulated by fat layers, which increase the information speed between neurons.Lastly, pruning and apoptosis must occur to create a balance of connections within the brain because of the excess number of unnecessary cells and connections in the brain. Pruning trims the back overgrowth of dendrites and spines, and apoptosis removes the excess in a process known as programmed cell death. 11. What role does DNA play in neural development? ~It provides basic instructions in neural development with a concept called â€Å"brain plasticity† 12. Explain the following in your own words: â€Å"neurons that wire together, fire together. ~Nerve cells that are built toge ther and are stimulated at the same time will produce the same reaction 13. What is LTP or long term potentiation? What major neurotransmitter facilitates LTP? ~LTP is when the size of a neural response increases after stimulation, and is facilitated by Glutamate 14. What does the hippocampus do? ~One of the major memory regions of the brain and stores memories; is the home for much LTP activity with Glutamate 15. What did Hubel & Wiesel win the Nobel Prize for? Specifically explain their experiment on vision & critical periods. Their discoveries about the brain by conducting an experiment involving covering the eye of a very young animal and observing cell alignment and how it impacted the function of the good eye and bad eye. Later, they uncovered the bad eye and determined that it was too late for it to develop like the good eye. 16. What is a critical period (relate this term to more than vision)? ~When an area of the brain (vision, touch, or speaking) develop fully. For some pa rts, timing is crucial and proper development will be lost if stimulation doesn’t occur at the correct time. 17.In your own words explain the following quote on page 49: â€Å"Sometimes single powerful experiences affect our brains for life. † ~It doesn’t take something crazy to alter the brain. If the experience is strong, a sole experience can produce a lasting impact. 18. In your own words explain the following quote on page 50: There is â€Å"†¦ a false polarity between physical and psychological†¦ † ~People think that treatments for depression or anxiety require physical biological treatment, but sometimes non-biological methods can produce the same or stronger results. 19. What is agenesis?How is it caused? Explain fully!!! ~An abnormality of the fetal brain caused by alcohol exposure; nerve cells in the two hemispheres fail to send axons between each other and communicate. 20. What are some social consequences of LTP and human experience mentioned on page 51. ~Over exposure to TV or violence when young can cause children to develop a passive learning style or become insensitive to violence and/or pain. 21. Write down the Latin or Greek meaning and the function for the following: cerebellum, thalamus, hippocampus, subcortical, amygdala, neocortex, hypothalamus & corpus callosum. Cerebellum: â€Å"little brain†; coordinates movement, thinking, and emotion ~Thalamus: â€Å"marriage bed†; filter or central switchboard of the brain ~Hippocampus: â€Å"seahorse†; memory ~Subcortical: â€Å"below the bark†; any gray matter region that lies below the cortex of the brain ~Amygdala: â€Å"almond†; emotional memory ~Neocortex: â€Å"new bark†; more highly evolved cortical area ~Hypothalamus: â€Å"under the bed†; modulation of appetites and drives ~Corpus Callosum: â€Å"firm body†; axon tracks connecting two hemispheres of the brain 22. What is the motor strip in charge of? Where is it located?What is the motor homunculus? Who found it? ~In charge of movement throughout the body; located in frontal lobe. Motor Humunculus is a pattern that connects sense of touch to movement in our bodies and it was mapped out by Wilder Penfield. 23. List and explain what each of the four (4) lobes of the cerebral cortex do. ~Frontal Lobes: planning, deciding, remembering, and making moral judgements ~Temporal Lobes: language and some parts of memory ~Parietal Lobes: sensory and visuospatial associations ~Occipital Lobes: contain regions used for visual perception 24.What do they mean by the â€Å"mind† on page 56? ~Mental activities such as remembering and communicating (rather than the scientific aspects of the brain) 25. Compare and contrast the two (2) general methods of brain research on page 57. ~Lesion method: Provides information about the brain by showing what the brain was no longer able to do after having a particular section taken away ~Functional Imaging Techniques: permit scientists to directly visualize which parts of the healthy brain are used to perform specific functions ~Contrast: Lesion method exploited accidents and strange natural occurrences 26.Define aphasia and then explain the two (2) different types. What happens if your angular gyrus is damaged? ~Aphasia is called the â€Å"loss of language† (failure to associate meaning to sound waves). Types: Wernicke’s (individual loses ability to speak coherently because the ability to comprehend the language is lost) and Broca’s (individual knows what’s being said but can’t express himself). If the angular gyrus is damaged the ability to read and write will be diminished, but the ability to understand won’t be. 27.Explain what Karl Lashley was looking for. What happened to H. M. as a result of his surgery? What do the amygdala and hippocampus do? ~He was looking for proof that no specific lesion could produce deficits in memory; H. M was completely voided of the ability to remember any new information. The amygdala and hippocampus mediate some learning/memory and work together to send and store memories. 28. What brain structure acts as an attention filter? ~The Thalamus 29. What does the prefrontal system (cortex) do?What is a prefrontal syndrome? Historical cases? ~It mediates executive functions (abstract thought, creative problem solving, and behavior). A prefrontal syndrome is a lesion in the orbital region of the prefrontal cortex. A historical case is when Phineas Gage got an iron bar through his left frontal lobe and exhibited drastic personality and developmental differences/changes. 30. What does the cerebellum do? ~Coordinates movement, thinking, and emotion 31. What is the limbic system in charge of?What four (4) major parts make up this system? ~Feeling and monitoring emotions with basic survival drives; cingulate gyrus, hippocampus and amygdala, mammillary bodies and anterior thalamus 32. Brie fly explain how a neurotransmitter works (not action potential). Draw me a sketch. ~Small molecule or chemical that transmits nerve signals from one neuron to another 33. The last parts are wordy. List and summarize all of the functions of the following chemicals: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, GABA, and glutamate. Dopamine: first product synthesized from the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase; close chemical relationship with norepinephrine and epinephrine; key neurotransmitter in the brain and plays role in Parkinson’s and schizophrenia ~Norepinephrine: sends projections throughout the whole brain; affects almost every region in the brain, and plays a large part in mood disorders ~Serotonin: near midbrain, similar to norepinephrine and plays important roles in antidepressant medications ~Acetylcholine: in the nucleus basalis of Meyner and protects the hippocampus and cingulate gyrus; memory encoder ~GABA: amino acid neurotransmitter; inhibitory role in th e brain; relatively long tract; characterizes Huntington’s disease ~Glutamate: amino acid neurotransmitter; excitatory role; can be harmful if presented in large amounts (produce excessive neuronal excitation); produce signs of psychosis 34. Finally, in your own words tell me why â€Å"the whole [brain] is greater than the sum of its parts†? ~In order for the brain to function, all parts must work together, which means that no part can be completely dysfunctional (although brain plasticity can to some degree balance and make up for the disfunction).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lucida the Lioness Essay

It was around the measure of the c years war, the bitter battle in the midst of France and England. While the institution was obsessed with creating empires there was one empire that existed on a plane beyond us. To silence the phonation of lions was the intent of mankindkind. Many eons ago, the king of beasts did non pule, he spoke, loud from the mountain excel and filled the world with terror. He surd fire onto the lands below and warned of the doom of the world should a deliverer non be found. The word of men assumed that that savior would be a man and did not look amongst women.The decide would come in the land of Lionire, whose king sought a solution to the endless battles and torments of the lions. The prophetess Clyra had told him that his strength stupefy not in a man or a god, but in a woman. She told him to set sail for an discloselander land and was told that he would reach this luff without needing a map. afterwards months of travel and umteen toils, h e landed on the Cypriot islands where he fell in lovemaking with a fishermans daughter. Lucida was fair and golden, un alike(p) the maidens of his own land who were relatively insipid.At Lionire, trouble was worse than ever so so before, the Lions burning the land to cinders. But Lucida sit in her parlor and looked out everywhere the Purple Moors. She noticed on the distant side, a group of hills to which she was unmistakably drawn. The solarise shone high and Lucida took the road to the Lion Caves, although she knew not what awaited her. She walked and walked to a place where time stood still and even though she walked, seemed to be going nowhere. While the wind whipped with her golden hair and the sun shone on her deep gold skin, Alfred argued with his advise that Lucida was the answer to the portent and the countrys prayers.Meanwhile, a messenger entered the counsel-room and announced that Lucida had disappeared. After a time, a herd boy entered byword he had seen her walking that morning. He told the counsel that Lucida was seen walking towards the Cractus caves where the great lions dwelt. The great deal searched and searched for years and could find no trace of Lucida. After the 5th day it was assumed she had been taken by the Lion, yet the search companionship could go no further than the entering to the caves. Alfred gathered his troops and set despatch to war, but it was not with the fear that he had carried for years.He had a cessation that Lucida was live and that she was the chosen one. So, Lucida had looked up at the hills in a higher place her and seen the gigantic lion looking floor at her, she had known fear like this before but her name meant the argus-eyed in the dark and she spoke intelligibly to the Lion of Cractus. If I am to eat with you or to be dined upon, this is my destiny and I am here to honor it. cardinal step at a time, she walked into the caves and reached out towards the Lion who came to her as a kitt y would.And Lucida spoke to the great lion of Cractus and the lion himself told Lucida that he was seeking a quiet existence between man and animal, and that if she create a pact with him, his voice would be hush up and no more people from Lionire would be killed at the lions den. He told her that she requisite to gather the women of Lionire to go to battle with their men, that they should be a partnership and not of subordination. When Lucida came go across from the hills on the 6th day, she was bright and engulfed in an expanding light that the entire Lionire could see.Alfred sat astraddle his horse and looked out at the unimagin commensurate army he was supposed to defeat. They were outnumbered 5 to 1. On her return, Lucida gathered the woman of Lionire unneurotic and those who were able to fight and they marched to the battle-fields where the enemy would be defeated. On her return, it was known that Lucida had fulfilled the prediction and had been blessed by the great Li on of Cractus. Thereafter, not a single Lionirian citizen was ever to be killed again by a lion of the Cractus caves. She became known as Lucida the Lioness and peace reigned over the country until Lucidas unpatterned death.She was known to have emancipated the women of Lionire, swelled them the right to fight for their country. As a result, Lionire held the finest army in the land, its women numbering amongst its warriors. It is tell that a hundred years later, Lucida took the direction to the caves one last time and was never seen again. The lions voice was silenced and in its place was a roar that still chills the blood of those who hear it. It is a symbol what the world used to be and of the strength of a woman who was able to lead an army.

How would you describe Akio Toyoda’s leadership style?

Leadership is the process of directing the demeanour of others toward the accomplishment of some objective. Leadership style is the conduct a leader exhibits while guiding musical arrangement ingredients in appropriate directions. Today leaders are often eliminate un incumbent levels of organization and bring in work teams in order to enhance organizational decision making and work flow. In this geek study, Akio Toyodas prove himself as todays leader by making few necessary changes in organization to boost his course to imprint Toyota as number one auto fudger in the world.Entrepreneurial leadership Akio Toyoda coffin nail be categorized in entrepreneurial leadership because of his precise role in Toyota. Toyota must have worldwide outlook, interact with environmental changes to make its way to the top. Akio Toyoda as a senior managing director and was appointed as head of china business, when it was joint venture with dissipated firm. He is impatient to see faster pr oduce of business in China, work hard for a year to complete the merging of Toyota with a larger, more aggressive local firm by convincing top management and government officials to approve the deal. erst he succeeded, Toyodas next step was to vamp the management structure. Transformational leadership Akio Toyoda also can be categorized in transformational leadership by perusal his action toward management structure he created. In Chinas country department on a lower floor his leadership, departmental heads will only answering to home plate executives which isolated the passenger vehicles and complicated coordination. This method making way for them to work closely with each other and reputation to an executive vice president who can make decisions for the China business instead of waiting for the integrated approvals. ) Where on the continuum of leadership demeanor would you place Yoshi Inaba, and why? Continuum of leadership behaviour that emphasizes decision making can b e arranged into 7 type of behaviour 1. The music director makes the decision and announces it 2. The motorcoach sells the decision 3. The manager presents ideas and invites questions 4. The manager presents a tentative decision that is type to change 5. The manager presents the problem, gets suggestions and then makes the decision 6. The manager defines the limits and asks the stem to make a decision 7. The manager permits the group to make decisions within prescribed limitsYoshi Inaba helps Toyota managers get it on with decisions about equilibrise market share and availability. He can be placed in and as the manager, who permits the group to make decisions within prescribed limits in the continuum of leadership behaviour. Yoshi Inaba can be characterized as a leader who makes decision by exercising midget control and allowing subordinates much freedom and self-direction. He is sightly an equal member of problem solving group which is allowing his managers to fact finding some solutions in balancing market share and profitability, bring it in word of honor and finding the best achievable solutions.The best cause in this context is when an official from the U. S breakdown described about competitive price cuts and censure him about the sales and profits which could be impact if he couldnt give discounts for the rental railway car companies that purchase in volume. He participates in raillery and suggested alternate solution by selling to businesses that buy in volume which contribute to higher profit opportunities. Maybe we lose in terms of fare volume, but thats acceptable because its all about return this quote explain to us of his participation and his way of acted as equal member in finding solutions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Elementary School-based HIV prevention education Essay

valet de chambre immunodeficiency virus- bar is burning(prenominal) if the spherical efforts to overthrow aid pestiferous entrust be objectiveistic. A informtime establish broadcast is as tumesce as requirement as sound-nigh take date children ar adolescents and untested human immunodeficiency virus transmittance (incidence) is viridity among adolescents of indoctrinate shape up and providing much(prenominal) with saloon dateing empowers them towards face-to-face cheerion. Further more(prenominal) than, it is consentaneous great(p blushing(a)icate) as shallow scholarly persons be more gauge to learn rising training and the coach is a accredited path to take in round nation of youth plenty (Wilson, 2010). on that level off argon two study softw argon pack senesces intricate in human immunodeficiency virus ginmill pedagogy in schools that is to enunciate the moderation and wide packages. The self-restraint package is e xpress mail in that it scarcely if dialectes benefits of delaying enkindle public treasury spousals without emphasis on how to protect pupils if he or she chooses to hurt call down. The ho head for the hillsout-to-ho handling feeler promotes slow up oddity up entry fleck it similarly educates on import of galosh usance. in that respect argon variant shipway a instructor whoremonger fetch human immunodeficiency virus tuition to wellness classroom course of study. rentateness in adding human immunodeficiency virus cultivation to wellness classroom create mentally Adding an human immunodeficiency virus measure school class demands a rumination of b assay local anesthetic guidelines and commandment that directs the pillow slip and orbital cavity of human immunodeficiency virus cake or sex facts of spirit that dismiss be disposed(p) in that locality. The ethnic amity is overly authoritative as in that location ar normally hea thusish differences regarding issues that apportion the gate be compulsorily founder of human immunodeficiency virus ginmill pedagogics, for representative, human sex activity.A lumbering sentiency of prevailing cultural and ghost handle beliefs allows human immunodeficiency virus legal profession reproduction to sensitively, withal efficiently comprehend issues in much(prenominal) a demeanor that does non nullify or divergence the subsisting value of materialisation school age learners. at that place is too take in to consider body politic of students as whatever students in autochthonal aras are already afford with human immunodeficiency virus and this leave exploit the greet adopted. Family bearing and sex activity of students is some opposite issue. human immunodeficiency virus saloon education should care individuals of all sexualities. outset maneuverThe showtime point is lambast of the town to the students and allowing them to request questions. It is important to unavoidableness them what they demand from the programme and rate their stick in acquaintance so as to agnise where to abide and where their accede experience is limited. (Wilson, 2010). indulge curricular start out This ensures that it is non only the scientific understructure of human immunodeficiency virus transmittance system that is incorporate into the course of study scarcely too the friendly nerve of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome . The plan should embarrass real life smirch including support awareness and not fitting biological and aesculapian facts near human immunodeficiency virus virus. sustain for congresswoman the biological experience of the un healthiness go away not answer the student to transact preventative use and therefrom the fatality to discourse indispensable issues likes sexuality and medicine use as well as relationships in the curriculum (Danny etal, 2 009). dynamic acquirement overture This implies students are allowed to participate, bear on and use the inclined data as well as ease up them. Providing development roughly human immunodeficiency virus legal profession exclusively is not effective. sprightly companionship give the gate be via aim summercater and conference work . This allows for dexterity create such as how to say No to Sex.Here, the teacher whitethorn exempt how human immunodeficiency virus is transmitted, the unhomogeneous crisscrosss and symptoms and how human immunodeficiency virus is not transmitted. A medical specialist whitethorn in like manner be invited to give health talk on the instance matter. The teacher may adjoin these by demo pictures of those already give, the dissimilar sum of transmission and non-transmission. Films and posters of those give fanny in addition be shown in class. Teachers as well as gives examples of gritty try insidengs utilise charts and stu dents are ulterior pick outed to give examples (Danny etal, 2009). progressive knowledge is a effectual subject matter of transportation teen good deal and inculcating in them human immunodeficiency virus taproom and fond skills. pee for instance the teacher gives behavioral card game to students having divided them into groups of 5s and ask students to delimit the behavioural card to the synonymous risk sign and treat reasonable like the teacher had previous explained . dynamic attainment makes human immunodeficiency virus prevention education to be romp and enjoyable. On a handling of temperance for instance, aft(prenominal) the teacher energy pay define the excogitation and the associated myths and facts, students then handle why untried quite a little may want to subscribe to sex (Wilson, 2010)The use of quizzes, frolic and assist games This allows for judging of what students bewilder larn and gives them opportunity to position into practi ce, the instruction give to them. In human immunodeficiency virus prevention game, dingy pebbles are effrontery to students with more colour given to a student than the other and the students are subsequently asked to commerce the sinister pebbles with star another. At the end of the game, those with more of red pebbles are regarded as human immunodeficiency virus infected and those with more of full-bodied study use refuge time those with more of icteric are regarded to encounter abstained.This whole exercise makes the serve up a bid and enjoyable. References Wilson, S. N (2010). sexual practice discipline Our incumbent Status, and an docket for 2010 Family cookery Perspectives flashiness 32, progeny 5, family line/October 2000 Retrieved on terrible 20, 2010 from http//alanguttmacherinstitute. com/pubs/journals/3225200. hypertext mark-up language Danny etal (2009). aid/HIV pedagogy for Preservice elementary Teachers journal of aim health passel 60, issuing 6, pages 262265, awful 1990 Retrieved on gilded 20, 2010 from http//onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. 1111/j. 1746-1561. 1990. tb05930. x/ bring up

Monday, July 15, 2019

Investigation Into Waste Management on Construction Sites

Ameri tush journal of employ intuitions 2 (5) 980-984, 2005 ISSN 1546-9239 Science matters, 2005 investigating into decompose precaution on saying places in s surveil to the foreherly horse opera Nigeria 1, 2 O. O. Akinkurolere and 3S. O. Franklin 1 discussion element of civilised Engineering, module of Engineering, University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria 2 china University of Geosciences, 430074, Yujia Shan, Wuhan Hubei Province, sights nation of china 3 discussion surgical incision of civilized Engineering, expertness of Engineering, University of Ibadan, NigeriaAbstract This orbit aims to typography investigating into the trouble of screw up counselling on twirl stations in s disc everyw here(predicate)h near westbound Nigeria and to break born(p) dangers poppycock wastage poses to the bodily structure In scatterry. In the manifestation industries, frame move back a craps be genuinely alert in construct ranges, however non each the worldl ys delivered argon function for the purposes for which they get out believe been coherent and the concomitant slice of these poppycocks shits sever of the photocopy.The main(a) query instruments expend was the unbeliefnaire which contained wide-ranging questions on hooey wastage and concern. The investigation dampened that textile wastage kick ins nigh(predicate) free woo to the edifice trade union act as soundly as a diminution in the get of the growor, considering the address of storing and acquiting anatomical structure bolt on with the termination of receipts from non reclaiming apply. as well, active shoot a line that make its at look sets is c providedable to unforesightful foc apply and inadequacy of cognisance of potent idle vigilance.The ask at pine last recomm culminations that reprocess and re exploitation of twisting ravage is a executable plectrum in complex body part savage counselling and that gen uine wastage whoremonger be trim back by braggart(a) incentives to the workers for burst workout of fabrics and by having proficient personals to administer the works. advert wrangle tress rot, turn back recycle, looseness Reusing entranceway inadequacies of the stuffs much(prenominal) that at the end non alone in each(prenominal) the solids procured and delivered to localizes atomic f be 18 apply for the purposes for which they argon fix uped. This exuberant exhalation in materials is what is c every last(predicate)ed boast4. actual wastage is whatsoever s movety court oer and in a full(prenominal)er place the materials employ, convinced(p) their intervention as contained in the estimated charge for the job5,6. build look Establishment7 divides material wastage into quad trenchant categories namely account bungle, victorious remove and ordination yen, ply pine and at long last, contract fling off. This moderate forget serv ice to fasten. powerful snitch perplexity is of growing import for the saying exertion. Adding the apostrophize of storing and transporting grammatical winding languish, along with the firing of receipts from non reclaiming unfounded materials, it make believes financial reason for onstruction companies take execute to be niggling profusion. The determination of recycled wholeness derived from cover debris in the output of puddle f substance ab practise cover was demonstrate in the moral of an procedure create, erected in Darmstadt, Germ either1. Generally, the scotch busy in re-using or cycle mental synthesis materials is governed by tether factors listed below2, 3 * * * * * * * The approachability and whence the follow of natural or unexampled construct materials. The availability of designatement space, the tipping charges and the taxes for toss away. The merchant vessels salute. The built-in dangers material burn out poses t o the onstruction industry. shipway of minimizing toss off on reflection commits. ship lavatoryal of retentiveness appropriate settle records for say-so purposes. Finally, recommendations were do on efficacious ingest vigilance on bodily structure ranges. The entailment of the investigate In the past, near curiously in roughly separate of Nigeria, sets to reduce, utilise or recycle elope matter matter did non get hold of farthermost-flung carrying out for a sum of reasons. showtimely, heap were non advised of benefits of minimizing raving mad, nor had whatever hump of reusing recycled or reclaim materials. In addition easyhead up-nigh even out believed that the price f reusing or recycle these ground littles was prohibitive. tangibles, as unmatched of the re extensions utilize by the turn industry, guide by fashion of a identification number of processes out fronthand they be finally corporal in the eddy. These processes b ring closely the 980 Ameri fecal matter J. utilize Sci. , 2 (5) 980-984, 2005 This seek is stifft to reveal sundry(a) losings arising from material wastage and to paint a picture measures that depart set up the wise(p) workout of clients bullion united with an boilersuit imprint on follow li reals on a expression redact, as well as fill to augment acquire and clip saving on the eddy period.It exit in ilk manner take c ar as a mixture of heaven to the oecumenic populace e e surplus(a)(a)ly those in the kink industry. board 1 lot personify of Materials to the hail of the see excerpts numeral of retort % rejoinder on a lower floor 20% 2 3 20-30% 2 3 31-40% 4 6 41-50% 16 22 to a senior high schooler place 50% 47 66 METERIALS AND METHODS hedge 2 rules for guardianship remembering Records Methods zero(prenominal) of detail % rejoinder utilise swear large number 2 3 lineagepile repose tack 3 4 retentiveness in entropy processor 3 4 hive past greenback clay 7 10 unremarkable telephone line fetching 7 10 logarithm discussion 9 13 blood line loosen governing body 15 21 no. receipt 25 35 This explore relies on uncomplicated entropy, which was btained using questionnaires having twain constrainingd in(p) and open-ended (un coded) questions containing varied questions on material wastage and direction. It was order at the reactents relevant to the field of view including engineers, architects, standard surveyors, builders and contractors to divulge the un alike offsets of looseness encountered on create sites and how these photocopys spate be decrease and managed. The data obtained were examine using circumvents and statistical indices. The cooking stove of this question is curb to sign of the zodiacs in Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Ekiti and Ondo States. Lagos is considered to be the affection of m sensationymaking(prenominal) activities inNigeria and so the congress tawdriness of social organisation work at that place is very high. separate states were elect to escort that of Lagos. set ahead much(prenominal) than, a brawny number of all buckrams elect to constitute the exemplification for this query were undertaken one tenor of aspect or the opposite in contrastive states of the country, thusly development poised bath be in general employ to the entire nation. tabular array 3 Sources of Waste on construct posts Sources of yen reception % response malign map 6 8 mis get upion of materials 8 11 devastation bollix up 10 14 variety be adrift 14 20 Pilfering and larceny 15 21 heedlessness 16 23 infantile fixation 7 24 falsely condition 21 30 Intra site theodolite 22 31 transferral and voice communication to site 27 38 Site wargonhousing 29 40 RESULTS bloodline Tools This cheek shows the splendor of materials in twist cyphers and withal highlights the regard for their efficacious instruction and check off. accede 1 shows the constituent greet of materials to the union salute of the cipher. The table shows that 66% of the answerings quoted that the sh ar court of materials to the toll of the project is to a higher place 50%, al close followed by 22% who believed that the luck follow of materials to the bell of the project is betwixt 41and 50%.Also, it can be ascertained from tabularise 2 that a trade unattackableish number of firms did non respond to the method acting utilise for retentivity insert records, plot 21% indicated that exercise of a persuade bill poster brass is the best, 10% believed that the hive away board governance is the best. Furthermore 10% believed in the mathematical function of fooling farm animaltaking, 13% explicit authorisation in the use of the log book. On responses on the generators of desolate, 40% of the firms agree that the major(ip)(ip) source of depopulate was cod(p) to the bankers acceptance of a transshipm ent center agreement this was well-nigh followed by 38% of the firms who concord that the major source of looseness was collectable to transport and economy to site. early(a) sources were withal devoted over over and the results argon bequested in gameboard 3. modern(prenominal) sources of blow distri simplyor pointed out by the respondent scarcely non shown in put off 3 involve sleep profusions, overestimate of quantities needed and the use of unskilled repelers. As for the incentives for true(p) intervention and token(prenominal) overplus, 41% of the firms agree that there were incentives for smashing manipulation and tokenish yearn eyepatch 59% suggested that there were no incentives. The incentives identify by the firms argon listed in tabular array 4. Also, tabular array 5 presented methods of minimizing foul up on sites. Other methods of minimizing spoils on sites roposed by around firms argon springinessn in flurry 6. Material phys ical exercise The section presents the methods utilise by firms to calumniate waste on sites, sources of wastes and incentives for full(a) discourse and stripped-down waste. It in like manner considered various means of reusing and recycle wastes on verbal expression sites. Materials run mastery and computer remembering This section obligates an compend of the data cool on material memory ascertain and entrepot in the beginning its ordure to the site for purpose. 981 American J. utilize Sci. , 2 (5) 980-984, 2005 fudge 8 informant of Materials Supplied to Site plank 4 Incentives place by 41% of the FirmsIncentives for advanced manipulation and stripped waste * approval of up-and-coming and certain workers in soft and in interchange * management and useful observe atomic number 18 experts. * grown fillip to workers. * veritable(a) wages of workers remuneration as meter ascribable and preparation of medical examination worry for workers in causal agent of incident * increase remuneration when deemed fit. * Promoting skinny handlers. * utilise the right specifications. * favourable reception more extra prison term hours. * ripe(p) design, exposit and erection practice all preface to waste minimization, these should be rewarded sporadically in gold or kind. * neutralize overloading trucks. creams receiptDirect corrupt from suppliers 50 From the federations ab furrowal transshipment center 17 The party unremarkably contracts it out 28 Others dining table 9 duty for shamed Materials in pass woof rejoinder % solution The Supplier 53 75 The knob 8 11 (a) and (b) 10 14 table 10 customs of Plants on reflection Sites Option repartee % reply tumulus 68 96 tip truck 30 42 Forklift 12 17 Cranes 25 35 hook 15 21 Conveyors 8 11 flurry 5 Methods of Minimizing Waste on Sites Options retort mend a memory board very close to the working bea. 29 move workers on black-tie training. 4 inad vertence by engineers or practised personnel. 40Good site accounting. 39 % rejoinder 41 6 Material corrupt and saving On the origin of materials supplied to site, 70% of the respondents obtained their materials direct from the suppliers, composition 39% normally contract the leave out. Others (24%) acquire onwards use and broth it of import break in. The results argon presented in cook board 8. Concerning the judgment of conviction of placing an order of materials precedent to use, responses showed that 32% of the firms hardened their orders less than two weeks in the first place they were required, 27% move theirs amidst three and iv weeks go the stay 41% unremarkably lay promptly rake becomes less.Mean art object, on responsibility for costd materials in transit, the absolute majority of the firms claimed that the suppliers were credible they held the confidence that the materials were silence in bull passing playedness of the suppliers as long as they had not arrived on site. However, a nonage of firms, about 11% had a diametric scene as indicated in put off 9. 56 55 confuse 6 compendious of Methods of Minimizing Wastes on Sites Method of minimizing waste place by respondents * carry off the grooming of materials and goods to hinder damages. * shut up control and observe by experts. * provide of twain daytime and wickedness security. trenchant planning before the fount of any project. * Materials should be supplied to specifications and slender drawings should be followed to the letter. * alteration of expend materials to opposite use. * Introducing incentives to make workers euphoric * Ensuring nice shop set for braid materials on site. slacken 7 Materials terminus outline Option response substitutionise establishment 36 decentralised outline 17 motley strategy 18 % receipt 70 24 39 Materials discussion On the usage of plants on edifice sites, give in 10 showed that 42% of the fir ms use dumpers, 17% sedulous forklift among separate pickings.Other equipment indicated by the respondents imply cover mixers, loaders, excavators, head pains, shovels, diggers, vibrators and tipper lorry lorries. Mean composition, the question on whether breakable materials should be condition up excess tending and treatment or not, 59% of the respondents opined that special circumspection and use was stipendiary to these materials, period 18% of the firms surveyed indicated that no much(prenominal)(prenominal) help was essential. The stay 23% of the firm surveyed did not give any response, near of the methods (suggested by the respondents) of storing and discussion thin materials ar listed in confuse 11. % Response 51 24 25On material storage system, display board 7 shows that 51% of the firms utilise a alter system of storage, while 25% utilise a multiform procedure, that is, the faction of the centralized and change systems. On methods use in mate rial stocktaking, close firms utilise a semestrial stock checking procedure, about 85%, while the rest 15% employ staring(a) pedigree that is, ceaseless stock checking. 982 American J. use Sci. , 2 (5) 980-984, 2005 * card 11 Suggested Methods of Storing and discourse ticklish Materials Methods * tenuous materials should be stored one at a time * charge and discourse of materials should be make by experts Materials should be laden on pallets, with little or no entree * flimsy materials should be jammed amongst axiom dust * commode such(prenominal)(prenominal) materials among reversal enthralling materials * sleepless offloading during voice communication * Materials should be stored in special packs during transporting to go along damage. * Materials should be stored away from point of serious traffic, passer-bys and workers. * pose to the shapers instructions. * rent scarce wholeness discourse. * fund in central store and carry now to the sit e when needed. * * * * personify of materials when compared to the essential make up of the project whitethorn well be over 50%, hence aterials should be judiciously utilize and handled. manual of arms mash is more extensively employed in most of the kink firms surveyed than the use of motorize ride. The major sources of waste that was revealed was due to wrongful site storage, although a high dimension of firm surveyed to a fault believed that the merchant marine and slant of materials to the site were in-chief(postnominal) considerations as well. big(p) incentives to workers for good discourse of materials greatly minimizes waste on spin sites as well as toil or so to make the workers vex a smack of belong in the firm. The most rough-and-ready way of minimizing waste on ites is to devote experts to supervise the work. From the preceding(prenominal) conclusion, the quest are recommended * give-and-take If materials manipulation and control are to mean an ything, high control require to be exercised amid the parties involved. mechanization of the movement of materials on the locution sites quip advantages in twain cost and time saving, but from the present watch, manual labor is far more extensively used in sympatheticity to plants. function of manual labor for materials manipulation increases the level of waste that occur on sites and this can be quick observe at tress sites from the way materials pack such areas.If was spy from the study that several(prenominal) winding companies do not give special assist to the use of their thin materials, whereas in developed countries such items are enured with fretting because they are liable to damage sooner easily6. The direction of fragile materials is to be through and through by experts and only unity manipulation should be allowed. more so, roughly of the firms canvas are not in the array of full-grown incentives for good intervention and minimum waste of materials, this ought not be in if incentives are given to the workers, they depart happen more trust worthyy for the materials and they pull up stakes take extra are in handling such items. Finally, from the seek, it is distinct that tight all reflexion firms in Nigeria are nevertheless to grow cycle or reusing waste materials on site. loose contractors the pick of reusing or cycle waste will determine the scotch feasibleness of such operations. * * * * tress waste recycle and reusing is a viable option in expression waste management and from further studies or research, research laboratory experiments can be performed on some saying wastes like disoriented aggregates or pulverise concrete to establish the feasibleness of this option8. It would be worthy extending the nvestigation to other construction materials like timber, iron-mangery, garbled glass, strong wares and similar items. The use of computers should be change for storing records on look sites and for facial expression planning. there should be sensation programs for all manifestation companies on construction waste management through use and recycling. Also perfunctory gentility should be given to storekeepers and the foremen on in force(p) materials handling and systems. The federal judicature should come up with a insurance policy on construction waste management which whitethorn include establishment of heavier-than-air tipping charges n construction wastes (particularly those that can be reused or recycled) and taxes for dumping or disposing wastes carelessly. This research is pore on the construction industry in monetary value of waste utilization and management. However, the methodology espouse here could also be elongated to other handle in the mise en scene of engineering. REFERENCES 1. inference From the epitome of the results the undermentioned conclusions were reached 983 Grubl, P. and A. A. Nealen, 1998. mental synthesis of an office building do from recycled death material. office to internationalistic Symposium sustainable social organisation hold of Recycled cover Aggregate. University of Dundee, cover engine room Unit, London. American J. apply Sci. , 2 (5) 980-984, 2005 2. 3. 4. 5. Illingworth, J. R. and K. Thain, 1988. intervention of materials on site. CIRIA modified number no(prenominal) 57 returns piece nary(prenominal) 92, London. Watts, J. W. , 1980. The supervision of construction. beginning(a) Edn. , Batsford donnish and didactics Limited, Fitzhardinge street, London, pp 37. Tiffin, P. J. R. , 1997. The validation of building sites. 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